
The Bob Cesca Podcast: Chaos Is the New Cocaine

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷7/23/2021 4:02:45 am PDT

They baying mob should be calling her a RINO any minute now. Regarding Gov. Kay Ivey of Alabama:

GOP Governor Says It’s Time To ‘Blame The Unvaccinated’ For Pandemic Surge (Huffington Post)

Gov. Kay Ivey also called out right-wing media disinformation about the vaccine.

Good luck with that, Governor. I’m glad you’re on board now, but where were you when your party was busy programming their voters?

Oh, this is you only three months ago:

Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey lifts mask rules, urges common sense instead to combat virus (FOX News Channel, April 7, 2021)

Ivey said she’s issuing a “greatly slimmed down” health order that has few restrictions. It encourages people to keep taking precautions such as voluntarily wearing masks, but no longer includes a statewide mask order.

You won’t admit you’re wrong though, as you went along with the rest of your party. You can only shift blame to “right wing media outlets” because a conservative’s decisions are rooted in their religious fervor; they can never admit their faith is misplaced and their religion of conservatism is wrong.

So you have to blame someone else.

Prepare to be underbussed by the faithful.