
Strangely Soothing: José González, "Swing"

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷8/26/2021 4:01:50 am PDT

re: #156 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

there were crunchy granola moms who distrust Big Pharma and Western Medicine, and then you have the Wingnuts and MAGATs who distrust Big Government and Modern Science.

If the latter were led to an anti-vax position, it was a short walk…

And the libertarian “you’re not the boss of me” types.

Anti-vax positions traditionally have not been a particularly partisan or religious issue (except for a very few churches). Trump, followed by all the bleating GOP reps, senators, propaganda outlets, with a healthy push from bad actors outside the country, pushed anti-vax into a primarily conservative and Christian position.

Ohio isn’t just writing a law to prohibit demands for proof of a Covid-19 vaccine, they are writing a law to prohibit demands for any vaccine.

Montana wrote anti-vax positions into state Civil Rights law, because an anti-vax position is an immutable characteristic like race or gender.

Tennessee was roundly humiliated from the entire world when they tried to repeal all vaccination mandates.

Our country and others will issue travel alerts to certain areas of other countries, or prohibit travel from those certain areas to their own countries.

I can see the day coming where other countries start banning travel from any GOP-controlled state which refuses to follow best public health practices for the safety of their own citizens.

As much as I’d like to take that train trip across Canada, I would not blame that country if they banned travellers who live in Nebraska because our state is suppressing all Covid-19 reporting.