
Bawer: Heirs to Fortuyn

sjmiller4/23/2009 3:34:06 pm PDT

So what exactly constitutes the ‘extreme right’ and the ‘respectable right’? It seems that many on this blog consider many people that have a strict interpretation of the U.S. Constitution, or believe in smaller government, or the belief that the Federal Reserve act of 1913 and the XVI amendment is total BS is somehow considered ‘extreme’. here is how I place myself:

I support the concept that decentralizes government power as much as possible, to the point of allowing local governments to have greater control over their citizens than central governments. It can also be called government by Local Rule. The concept of decentralization is an end result of the republican’s core belief that consolidation of power in large quantities in any area leads to massive corruption and widespread abuse of said power.

Am I considered a “right wing extremist”?