
Overnight Open Thread

Fenway_Nation7/29/2009 1:20:33 am PDT

re: #157 Gus 802

This is all going to go away after Gates, Crowley and the used-car-salesman-in-chief break bread open a cold one Thursday.

0bama thought he had a golden opportunity for him and his ivy-league whackademic race-baiting friends to lecture the public on how racist America is as a society and how they must do something to remedy the situation.

Since he’s in the wrong, this means he can’t frame the debate on his terms and instead of a ‘teachable lesson’ on jumping to conclusions, it will disappear.

Which really is too bad, because the more he steps his foot into a matter that would barely make the police blotter of a small-town newspaper, the less time he has to screw the pooch regarding Pakistan, 0bamacare, Israel, a second stimulus, Latin America, card check, Russia, cap and trade, etc etc.