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Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus3/07/2010 9:06:52 pm PST

re: #10 Spockista

It’s like when they claimed Czars were “Communists” because the term is originally Russian, WTF?

This is a very important point, I think , even if you meant it as a throw-away.

Now, Cato is the philological expert around here, not me, but it has occurred to me that many of the reactionaries/revanchists are identify with their “movement” based on a very trivial/shallow understanding of the words which they throw around in their group think.

If it sounds like a word might mean something, then it must! At least in their minds.

We saw this with President Obama’s name being reacted to in a most hysteric manner.

The experience you related is just one more example.