
Dylann Storm Roof's Website Discovered, With White Supremacist Manifesto and Photos

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)6/20/2015 1:30:37 pm PDT

re: #159 JadeHelmCurious

According to wingnuts, if you desecrate a US flag you’re a proggy.

But they seem to love the Stars and Bars: the battle flag of the Confederacy that engaged in war against the US.

Wingnuts are confuse.

The flag of the “nation” for the war responsible for more deaths than any other war. As I said early, I don’t want to hear it from people who venerate or defend the CSA flag that I am Anti-American because I am a liberal. You can call me a socialist, a commie even but don’t you dare question my love of my country when you defend and admire that rag. I fly in my room and on my arm the flag of a regiment of Irish immigrants who showed far more loyalty to this country than the so called true Americans of the South during the war.