
Hot Air Comments of the Day

Splatt10/17/2009 6:32:42 pm PDT

Want to see something funny? It’s a racist screed by Malkin’s buddy Peter Brimelow entitled, “Yes, It IS About Race. Quite Right, Too.”

In it, he pats himself on the back for having the prescience of mind to predict that Obama’s presidency would actually widen the racial divide in this country. And now that he’s been more than proven right (in HIS mind, anyway) as evidenced by the antics at the tea parties and town halls this past summer, he says (in a paraphrased quote - “Let’s face it, they [whites] are America.”

It’s the most fraudulently “high-minded” attempt at cloaking a racist rant with an air of academia that I’ve ever seen (and I’ve seen quite a few.)