
No Teleprompter for Sarah

jamesfirecat2/07/2010 12:16:37 pm PST

re: #156 Dona Quixote

I just checked in a bit ago and saw the Q and A video. She clearly gets asked the question, gets stuck, checks her hand and then answers. As someone said before, what real Republican has to be reminded of tax cuts? But the worst thing is that she apparently made a mistake on her crib notes as the word budget is crossed out.

This doesn’t look presidential. And I will bet this story does not make it to major media.

I’ve got a theory about that as I mentioned previously…

Well remember he hand said “budget” (crossed out) tax cuts.

Because you see budget cuts would be actual fiscal responsibility where we reduce the deficit by spending less.

Tax cuts are “magic” where somehow the government makes more money by taking in less money!