
GOHMERT! One of the Sexiest Conservatives in America

HoosierHoops7/09/2013 9:52:00 pm PDT

Hiya Lizards! How goes it? So I’ve been on FaceBook for 2 weeks now. I’m not a big social network kind of guy..Generally FB is pretty cool but…
I wanted it only for close friends and family..It took about 3 days before it blew up.
What is it with you FB people? Huh? Do you have to be friends with everybody? LOL
The first couple of days was just accepting family as friends…
First off..When you get a friends request..I have to say yes..That sucks but hell who knows if that is your Uncles best friend? I don’t know who they are but I feel like it would almost be rude not to say yes..
I would wish you could ask up front..
Who the hell are you?
Is that picture of you..really you?
If yes.. Are we related somehow?
If no..Are you over the age of 18?
Anyhow.. FB..Crazy shit..