
Our Friends the Saudis

Natasha3/10/2009 5:00:07 pm PDT

Here is a little episode involving Saudis, from earlier today… There are Saudi Officers here, on some sort of exchange program. I met them in January during a “social”. They were very nice, drank lots of beer and were as friendly and fun as can be. Today, I ran into one of them…. Since he outranks me, I saluted him, he saluted back, “How are you doing, bla-bla-bla…”…whatever…Then, I saw something that made me very uncomfortable… His poor wife was walking behind him… Dressed in a FULL black potato-sack/burqa…Just the eyes were exposed! For some reason, it just really pissed me off. I now consider this man an utter hypocrite… HE can go out, party it up, chug beer, while she has to wear this ridiculous getup, to walk around on an American military installation? Something is not right. Then again, maybe I am just a bigot.