
Photo of the Day: I Fought Nazis, And They Don't Look Like Obama

I fly the Union flag, I like countries that win.10/30/2010 7:20:04 pm PDT

I should note that I don’t condone any anti-Israel hate, nor do I doubt it exists on the left. But most americans aren’t even aware of what wearing green or orange means in relation to the crisis in Ireland. That doesn’t stop them from wearing it on Saint Patrick’s day, or probably while on vacation in Ireland.

They’re just as likely to be wearing keffiyehs as a new symbolism of solidarity with american muslims and their constitutional rights at a Rally to Restore Sanity as they are to be wearing them as an anti-Israel gesture. If I recall correctly, counter-protestors at the “Ground Zero Mosque” purposely dressed as muslims, or muslim-ish, to piss off the protestors, and this rally has much the same purpose and humor as the counter-protests (which weren’t at all meant to speak on the Israel-Palestine conflict, but rather american rights).