
Obama Releases 'Long Form' Birth Certificate, Right Wing Unrepentant

elizajane4/27/2011 9:20:29 am PDT

The official Republican line seems to be solidifying as:
It’s Obama’s fault! He created this distraction! He allowed this to drag on and on! Now he’s making a media circus out of it!

Palin tweets: Media: admit it, Trump forced the issue. Now, don’t let the WH distract you w/the birth crt from what Bernanke says today. Stay focused, eh?

If that doesn’t make you gag enough, try Rinced Prius:

“As I’ve repeatedly stated, this issue is a distraction. … The President ought to spend his time getting serious about repairing our economy, working with Republicans and focusing on the long term sustainability of Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security. Unfortunately his campaign politics and talk about birth certificates is distracting him from our number one priority – our economy.”

HIS campaign politics? My God, these people have some nerve. Also Eric Cantor:

“The White House shouldn’t engage political sideshows, particularly at a time when the challenges facing our country are so immense.”

Excuse me while I puke.