
New Bill to Put Texas Creationists Under the Microscope

traderjoe94/02/2009 10:36:52 pm PDT

re: #151 Kosh’s Shadow

So all “refugees” who had homes in Israel get to come back if they want to. And the Arabs aren’t going to give them anywhere else do go, are they?

The Arabs are going to accept nothing less than the return of the refugees to Israel. Otherwise, they would have to absorb them - which they won’t do. If they don’t absorb them, the refugees will remain a political tool to be used against Israel. If Israel accepts them, then Israel will be destroyed.

Its hard to say that Israel should simply say “we don’t give a shit” but I don’t see any alternatives. Like Lieberman said, “Saying peace 20 times a day won’t bring you any closer to peace.” The Arabs don’t want peace, and will avoid peace by any means possible. Not this generation, and not the next generation.

If the Arabs of Gaza or the West Bank want to be independent - let them. Finish the security fence, dismantle all checkpoints and entrances, stop giving them electricity/aid/supplies and let them be supported by the 21 Arab nations. Israel has their own mouths to feed, let alone feeding those savages.