
Bad News for Rick Perry

Salamantis4/19/2009 2:33:37 pm PDT

re: #159 Whippet

#156 Salamantis

“In neither case is the existence of breasts or foreskin (and breast cancer can attack males, too, btw) the casuse of cancer or other disease”

Neither is the existence of a cervix…

The issue isn’t whether the HPV vaccine is a good thing. The issue is whether or not it should be mandatory and your insistance that anyone who feels otherwise is somehow uncaring or that people should pay some price for their sexual “sins.” You are quick to throw in a moral component when to many it has nothing to do with morals. It has to do with the government mandating the vaccine.

re: #160 carbon footprint

Well I am certainly not a condemnatory fundamentalist. I am, for instance, one who is very open-minded about homosexuality and have been for many years. You will have to take my word that my Christianity has no bearings on my stance on forced HPV inoculation of little girls by the state. As I said before, that falls into the category of the government getting way too involved in our lives. The ID/Creativity link has no bearing in my beliefs, none. Don’t let your obsession with ID blind you to what a person’s real motives are. You seem to jump to conclusions, and that is a very narrow mindset.

I consider the willingness of parents to refuse to allow their children to receive a vaccine which has not been shown to be hazardous and which confers immunity from a dread, cancer-causing disease as immoral on its face. I also cannot conceive of any reason other than misguided religious conviction for parents to deny their children such a protection. To me, it resembles Christian Scientist parents refusing their children life-saving blood transfusions.

The presence of cervixes - or of foreskins or breasts -is not the issue here, nor should the presence or absence of sexual activity as an infection vector be a determining factor; the issue is a cancer causing disease that infects a particular organ. No such diseases have been found that infects breasts or foreskins, but if such diseases were indeed detected, and vaccines was developed that could prevent them, I would be in favor of mandatory vaccinations in those cases, too.