
Rebuttal: Bobby Jindal's Risible Op-Ed for CNN

No Malarkey!11/15/2012 12:59:56 pm PST

re: #145 allegro

Me too neither. I’m still in shock that Dubya beat Ann Richards way back when. That was the beginning of the great Texas decline.

It’s damn depressing. Texas is truly one of the greatest states in the nation, leading in medicine and technology. Our natural resources rock. It has been my home for almost 40 years now and I love this state that has given me a fine career and great life. Seeing what has happened to it at the hands of these assholes just breaks my heart.

Their day is coming to an end, and soon, as rapidly as the hispanic population of Texas is growing. Of course, if SCOTUS guts the Voting Rights Act as expected, then they can get more serious about vote suppression and extend their time in power before the demographics finally overwhelms them.