
Two Minutes and Forty-Nine Seconds of Pure Funk: THE FEARLESS FLYERS - Flyers Direct

lawhawk4/24/2019 7:47:41 am PDT

re: #152 HappyWarrior

I didn’t downding but I’m loathe to throw away 121 years of precedent because of an issue that an anti immigration hardliners have made an issue.

Birthright citizenship is enshrined in US law and is precedent for a reason.

The white nationalists and xenophobes have spent decades trying to roll back birthright citizenship because they not only see it as a threat to their primacy, but now have a white supremacist in the WH who is actively subverting the rule of law and putting judges in place who will roll back civil and voting rights for minorities and women. They are also laying the foundations to take on birthright citizenship and eliminate its protection under the law.

Let’s not forget that Trump rejected a deal to fund his boondoggle wall and do more on an immigration package but rejected it out of hand without so much as a counter offer last year. Trump then turned around to claim a crisis existed at the border despite crossings being at multidecade lows and apprehensions also at or near multidecade lows.

The argument he’s making has nothing to do with there being a crisis and everything to do with ending immigration for nonwhites - legal or otherwise. We’re seeing it with his evil treatment towards those seeking asylum, which is legal immigration, and he’s trying to institute the same kinds of racist policies that we saw for decades and which kept Jews out of the US in the 1930s-1950s right down to the language being used - disease ridden, criminals, etc.

Trump’s a goddamned racist and the policies he’s pushing are overtly white nationalist.

There’s no reason to put birthright citizenship at issue here - not even as a bargaining chip. Hold the line. Trump gets nothing. The GOP gets nothing.