
Creationists Sue Texas Over Denial of Master's Program

calcajun4/20/2009 6:37:14 pm PDT

re: #121 jcm

My I hazard a guess here. The cornerstone of Christian faith hinges on one supernatural occurrence-the Resurrection. Now, if you recall from the Gospels, the flock sees Jesus perform miracle after miracle (loaves and fishes, healing, Lazarus, etc.) only to be met with calls of “Encore! More!” Some of the disciples do this, too. (BTW, the OT has some supernatural stuff as well; Ezekiel tooling around in a burning chariot, etc.) Jesus just rolls his eyes at them.

A motivation for people like these, especially the young-Earthers, is that they are like the followers who wanted to see God do more magic tricks. They cannot see beyond the one event which defines our faith and want to see more, that in many respects, dilutes that same faith. For if God is a god of reason and order, then why the hell does he keep breaking his own rules? Why give us the ability to date materials only to be told that God did a faux antique job on the Earth just to show that he could. It begins to sound more like a Muslim god—in shah Allah-as God wills it.

These are people, IMO, who want further proof of God’s existence. And I have no idea how to argue with that.