
Obama's Nobel Acceptance Speech

Stormageddon, Dark Lord of All12/10/2009 10:52:11 am PST

To be bluntly honest, I think a lot of the ‘Obama is a far left liberal’ meme came from a lot of the talk show hosts out there who were looking through Obama’s books and pulling out specific passages to try to create a case that Obama was a secret communist bent on destroying america. Some of the talkshow hosts have continued down that bent, others, Neal Boortz being the one that comes to mind first, have somewhat moderated their stance and doesn’t seem to have the same venom that he did 9 months or a year ago. I also think the entire, ‘left wing’ is angry at Obama is overstated. There was a recent poll out (that I can’t find right now) that had the number of Democrats angry at Obama very low. If possible, I think Obama will be pulling the Democrats a little to the right and well into the center, and if the Republicans continue to push themselves further and further over. Then their only hope is that the war in Afghanistan goes horribly wrong, that there are nuclear bombs going off in US cities or the economy crashes horribly.

Right now the Republicans are doing better in generic ballot testing and match ups because the economy is bad, and Obama and congress is now and will be the person/people responsible for the economy. If the economy improves, then the Republicans are going to be even further in the wilderness. Even if the economy doesn’t recover, the Republicans are positioning themselves so far to the right that they’re considering going after John Cornyn and Mitch McConnell because they’re too liberal, even with ACU scores of 92 and 90.

DeMint, “The problem in the Republican Party is that the leadership has gone to the left,” he said. “I need some new Republicans.”

I’m not worried about Obama. For all his mistakes he might make and will make, I’ve been pretty sure before, and become convinced now, that he’s the best person for our country at this time.