
Palin's Theocratic Daze

tnguitarist4/20/2010 5:42:57 am PDT

re: #29 ausador

So uhh, I kinda hate to bring this up even, but exactly which sect of Christianity will be in charge of the new Theocracy?

/This would make the civil war look like a schoolyard spitball fight. :(

This is the exact point I was about to make. I don’t want to take a swipe at anyone’s religion, but I see a new church denomination pop up every week. They can’t even agree amongst themselves. The second they took over, they would be fighting about whether or not a piano is allowed in the White House or some other nonsense.
What these people fail to realize is this separation protects the church as much as the state. The minute that you have a church-run government, you also have a government-run church.