
Saturday Night Groove: Donald Fagen, "Slinky Thing"

darthstar10/28/2012 7:31:43 am PDT

Toledo Blade endorses Obama…nicely.

A second term for President BARACK OBAMA would be a better outcome for Ohio, Michigan, and the rest of the country — and would offer more hopeful prospects for the next four years — than would his replacement by his Republican challenger, Mitt Romney. The Blade recommends the President’s re-election.

During his administration, President Obama has provided pragmatic, steady, centrist leadership that has served the nation well. He has dealt effectively with economic recession at home and turmoil abroad, much of which he inherited from his predecessor. The stimulus he promoted — along with the auto and bank bailouts — helped prevent the recession from becoming a depression.

Mr. Romney blames what he calls the still-dismal state of the national economy on the President’s inept stewardship. The challenger says his experience as a business executive would enable him to slash the federal deficit, create 12 million jobs, restore fiscal stability, and accelerate economic recovery.

In fact, Ohio’s current unemployment rate is 7 percent — nearly one-fifth lower than it was when the President was inaugurated in January, 2009. Nationally, the jobless rate has dropped substantially over the past year and also is lower than when Mr. Obama took office.

There are more of those pesky facts in the endorsement here