
Overnight Open Thread

Mad Prophet Ludwig11/24/2010 7:09:12 am PST

re: #138 friarstale

um, when are we gonna get devastated?

it’s the alarmistness I don’t appreciate, and the preaching by self-annointed people like LudVig Von Luddite

Wow, then you must really hate NASA, NOAA, The AGU, the APS, The Royal Society and the national Academies of the US, Canada, France, Russia, Germany and Israel, who say the same things!

But to answer your question specifically, places around the world are already getting devastated. Why don’t you look into the heat waves and enhanced monsoons in Asia or the failures of the Russian crops. Or you could talk to the Eskimos, whose lifestyle is vanishing. Why not just look these things up?

As to when everyday Americans get devastated, You should maybe look at how the Colorado river is doing, or the amount of ice in th Sierra Nevadas.

it is already happening now. It gets much much worse. By 2100 at this rate, between dustbowls and droughts in the mid and south west, and flooding on the coasts, there will not be anything like America as we know it.