
Yet Another Massive Fail by Jim Hoft, Stupidest Man on the Internet

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)5/08/2016 5:16:21 pm PDT

Hmm, and I got a script from my doctor last week for a screening colonoscopy. Been due for one for over a year - and should get it done.

Main issue I am seeing so far is that the local hospitals all require an escort. And if you don’t have one they will cancel the procedure. Which, to me, is an issue since I live alone, have no relatives living nearby, and my friends and neighbors all work and I hesitate to ask them to waste vacation time on my account.

So I’m looking into what options I have. Some reading turned up a few; there’s now a “virtual” colonscopy where they use an MRI — that should produce a lovely bill. Also, some places will do an optical one without applying a sedative. (This is what requires the escort, not the procedure itself.)