
Gates Considers Lifting Ban on Coffin Photos

DeafDog2/11/2009 9:26:54 am PST

re: #100 Ojoe

Here are the Union Dead at Gettysburg. They have no coffins.

Show all the damn coffins you want.

I do not want the patriotism of someone whose love of country vanishes at the first touch of reality.

I undersatand the sentiment, but are you sure that’s what you want? I’m not.

Remember the Abu Grahib photos?

In the Abu Grahib case, I appreciated the press breaking the story. There was bad behavior going on, and it needed to be exposed. But then it was on the front page over and over and over to the point of ridiculousness.

The problem I might have with changing the current law, is that if we do not have a restriction, the MSM will overplay the issue. And, I, for one, think that a sensible restriction is in order.

It’ll be interesting to see what Bob Gates recommends and the logic he uses and wheter Zero accepts or rejects the recomendation.