
No Teleprompter for Sarah

Escaped Hillbilly2/07/2010 12:24:35 pm PST

re: #165 Jadespring

Well for me it wasn’t so much twilight zoney but a big fat ‘DOH!’ moment. I actually had Homer’s voice in my head. It cracks me up. Palin or not, it’s just funny ironic.

It gets even more funny when I read all the ‘but but Obama teleprompter blahditty’ defense and imagine just what the reaction would have been if at that Republican Q&A someone had asked a question and he paused to check his hand before answering. Just picturing it cracks me up.

I am now imagining a SNL routine in which the pol starts off by looking at his hand, then his cuff, finally takes off his shoe to read what he wrote on his sock…