
Bottom Line: Donald Trump Blatantly Lied About His Veterans' Fundraiser

SteveMcGriftFlynnComey... ...corruptemoligate RN5/24/2016 9:11:40 pm PDT

re: #162 HappyWarrior

Do the police really need to get involved over 65 cent milk?

First of all, I think there’s a lot more to the story than what Wonkette is telling us. Second, What may have been a simple act of misconduct could very well have been exacerbated by the kid’s conduct. From what I’m reading about the kid’s conduct, maybe there was a legitimate issue for the police to intervene. Somehow I doubt anybody called the cops over a carton of milk.
If a school policeman happened to see him grab the milk and keep going, how is he supposed to know who is entitled to get free milk and who isn’t? Besides that, even the kids who get free milk probably don’t just walk up and grab it. The nuts and bolts of this story and the way that Wonkette frames it is just screaming that there is more going on here than somebody getting arrested for stealing free milk.