
About That DHS Report on Right-Wing Extremism

LionOfDixon4/14/2009 12:10:34 pm PDT

With all due respect Charles, the report is a smear job against conservatives and veterans. For instance, the following b.s. which purports to describe what might be a “right-wing extremist”:

“It may include groups and individuals that are dedicated to a single issue, such as opposition to abortion or immigration.”

Funny, I thought opposition to illegal immigration and upholding the rule of law was normal. I guess I am a right-wing extremist and deserve government surveillance for my radical views.

Why stop at anti-illegal propopents and veterans. Why not go full bore and accuse Catholics…(oops, they did that by including abortion opponents.)

The report does not come out directly and say veterans are right-wing extremists. But simply by including the group in an otherwise unseemly group of characters does the same thing for this government….making red-blooded, Constitution-loving, Americans seem like nuts.

It would be like saying we have to watch out for pimps, robbers, drug-smugglers and insurance adjusters. (Hint; one of these things is not like the other)