
Moron vs. Moron in Alabama Governor Race

goddamnedfrank5/11/2010 5:46:13 pm PDT

“… even recently said that the Bible is only partially true.”

So when Joshua says that the Sun stood still … does that mean the earth stopped rotating / orbiting, and that somehow this jarring change in rotational momentum did not send people flying, or is it a metaphor for his perception of divine providence that made an incredibly exhausting amount of killing possible? When Lot’s wife was turned into a pillar of salt, was she really transformed physically or was it a metaphor for a person who was petrified by fear of change/turmoil, shocked and struck down by an inability to let go of the past that cannot be returned to?

The Bible is only as true or false as the reader’s ability to comprehend literary constructs and their meaning. People who emphasize the inerrancy of the word of God should not also arrogate themselves to the position of final arbiter of His literary intent.