
Now for Something Amazing: Daniele Gottardo​'s "Caligula"

lawhawk8/22/2017 6:18:43 am PDT

Greets and saluts from the resistance in the NYC metro area. It’s not a day ending in Y unless Trump or the media do something spectacularly idiotic.

Rucker thinks that Trump said something presidential? That’s the pivot? He’s fooling himself and his readers if he thinks anything good will come from Trump’s renewed involvement in Afghanistan. Trump didn’t signal any actual changes in tangible military strategy. He didn’t identify a goal or metric by which you can claim we win. He’s just indicated that we’ll be sending more troops and spilling more blood in the sand with no end in sight because he doesn’t care about anything other than what it makes him look like in the eyes of his supporters.

Meanwhile, Pence was going on this morning about the need for more monuments and statues, and I think I’ve found the proper tone:

Who knew they could stack crap so high will be the rejoinder when people look upon statues to Pence and Trump.

It also renews faith in my fellow Americans when I see stuff like this, and it’s a reminder that hate grows when people don’t speak up and speak out against the bigotry: