
Seth Meyers: Trump Holds Super-Spreader Indoor Nevada Rally as Wildfires and Pandemic Rage

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷9/15/2020 8:54:09 am PDT

re: #160 Belafon

And who was talking about cancelling Thanksgiving? I realize you’re job is to keep us on the facts, and it’s good that people here do that, but they’re itching to turn this into another round of going after things white people love.

re: #162 jaunte

Trick-or-treating in a pandemic should be discouraged.

Thanksgiving is one of the most heavily-travelled holidays in the year. Moreover, it gathers large crowds of people together in homes closer together than restaurants.

If 162 is true, then 160 should also be true.

Experts advise rethinking Thanksgiving traditions as COVID-19 cases increase (Chicago Daily Herald, nineteen hours ago)

Statistics, then:

Given that, now’s a good time to hit the reset button on your traditional Thanksgiving feast with extended family and friends, experts advise.

Sitting unmasked in proximity with people at a table for a lengthy period means “a high risk of transmission,” Pinsky said.

“I think there’s risk involved having Thanksgiving dinner with family and friends.”

Instead, consider finding an activity to do together that doesn’t involve eating, or consider seating guests apart from each other, preferably outside, he advised.
