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Vicious Babushka12/03/2009 5:35:37 pm PST

re: #127 Cato the Elder

Good God. I’ve been following this.

So these good neighbors allowed their dog to bite someone and refuse to even have it rabies-tested? Do they have any gawdamighty idea what that person will go through? Do they realize that people can die or be permanently disabled by the rabies series of shots? I know someone who had to go through it and she’s never been the same.

This should come under felony endangerment and willful failure to provide reasonable aid, in addition to whatever else the DA can think up.

One thing is clear here, and that’s whose fault this is. Hint: not the dog’s.

I have to write up a narrative describing all the problems I have had with these dogs since the time the “dog lovers” moved in. The neighbor asked me if I had ever made an “animal nuisance” report to the police, and I said that I didn’t, because these neighbors are not the kind of people that you want to piss off and if I made a complain, then I’d be a “racist.” Whereas the neighbor who was bitten is an elderly black lady.

I hope these “dog lovers” and their precious pooches get what’s coming to them. What kind of fucking asshole skips town with “fluffy” and forces a little old lady to get rabies shots?