
TIME: Why Cold Weather Doesn't Disprove Global Warming

jamesfirecat2/10/2010 1:18:02 pm PST

re: #167 jamesfirecat

The “further” was a genuine mistake on my part I admit that.

The “carbon” I thought it was acceptable LGF shorthand to use “carbon” to mean “carbon dioxide” though I’ll give you that Carbon monoxide is also a greenhouse gas, it just isn’t as common because anyone who knows how to “read” (as in understand the concepts associated with) a periodic table could see why to the molecules involved CO2 would be a preferable set up to CO2 to insure each atom has a fuller outer electron shell.

As for humans generating large amounts of CO2, how does seven tons over the last century sound?


Sorry did I say 7 tons in the last century, I meant about seven tons per year a decade ago….