
Creationist Dentist Gets the Boot

TedStriker3/03/2010 7:17:59 pm PST

re: #100 Walter L. Newton

It amazes me over and over, when “christians” revert to the Hebrew scriptures to find something that fit’s their skewed worldview.

In that case guy and girls, let’s try some of that Old Testament judgements and all that… a few stonings in store for your woman in the congregation this Sunday?

It’s awful funny how the batshit crazy fundamentalists of most of the “major” religions want to bring back that “old-time religion” and inflict it on secular affairs (such as the law or politics), but a bunch of them aren’t even close to being pure as the driven snow in their own affairs.

/something about those without sin throwing the first stone might be a hint to some of them…