
Rand Paul Steps In It

Fozzie Bear5/20/2010 10:18:22 am PDT

re: #114 cliffster

Fine. Get people in office who don’t drive us hopelessly into debt, and you probably won’t see people like him getting elected. Or even taken seriously.

The problem you describe has much less to do with the liberal/conservative divide and much more to do with corruption in our political process than such a statement as this would imply. When campaign propaganda is funded by the very interests who would be affected by future legislation, you end up with waste and cronyism. There is enough money to build a more just and equitable society without spending ourselves into massive debt, it’s just that such cannot be done by a legislature which is animated by what essentially amounts to a system of legal bribes.

For your consideration, I present the “public option”: An idea that would have forced the health insurance industry to be vastly more efficient, and was barely even considered…. because creating a public option would have provided a monstrous monetary advantage for anyone who opposed it, in the form of campaign contributions. Any proposal which might piss off a large industry is not getting any traction, period. This isn’t a partisan problem, no matter how much people keep repeating it. It is a problem with our political process.