
Colin Powell: The GOP Has a 'Dark Vein of Intolerance'

SteveMcGriftFlynnComey... ...corruptemoligate RN1/13/2013 11:31:34 am PST

I’m still registered Republican. It’s MY party and these assholes are crashing it. I’m not leaving. In fact, I urge EVERYBODY to join the Republican Party. The only why to disinfect the party is to get these clowns out in the primary process. Too many low information voters think guys like Chris Christie can straighten out the party. Problem with that is a Republican can’t do anything without the tea party caucus, and there are still too many reactionaries infesting the state legislatures. So we need to take this thing viral. Tell all your friends to register Republican. They can even run in primaries against incumbent wingnuts. As Christine O’Donnell and Sharon Engel showed, a primary is winnable, especially if you can get your friends to register with you. It’s time to send these racists and idiots back where they came from, the Democratic Party.