
Some More News: The Devastating Impact of 'Fear of Crime' Politics

Targetpractice4/20/2022 10:38:07 pm PDT

re: #168 ckkatz

It seems to me that many, if not most of us, agree on the goals and share the same frustrations. And many of us certainly need to vent on occasion.

But I think that we also usually agree that the vote choice is binary, which of two political parties is _more_ perfect. And not just whether or not the Democrats are perfect.

On the Democratic decisions…I admit that sometimes I am not convinced by their decisions. But, in the end, I voted for them to do the job. And it is now up to them to do it. In a less than perfect environment.

I don’t question the argument of saying that voting for Dems is far more preferable if one wants to avoid a lot of very bad things that will happen if Repubs should return to power. But we need to find a better way to express that than immediately getting in the face of anybody who voices reluctance or concern about the Dem party’s current path and screaming “VOTE DEM OR YOU’RE A FASCIST!!!” I say that mostly because I had a ground-level view of the recent gubernatorial race here in VA and watched the white bread mayonnaise sandwich that our party ran lose bigly because his entire campaign platform was “MY OPPONENT IS ENDORSED BY DONALD TRUMP!!!”

We barely held Congress two years ago despite record turnouts and that was with Donald Trump on the ballot. Dems don’t have that advantage this year, no matter how hard our candidates try to pin him to their Repub opponents. Plus electoral amnesia is setting in, that condition where voters tend to forget just how much of a shitshow the last administration was by the time the midterms roll around. So that they’re gonna be going to the polls in November being bombarded for months by the media with stories about “Runaway inflation!” and “Sky-rocketing gas prices!” And the best we can offer is an infrastructure bill that barely anybody remembers and judges who nobody could name without Google.