
GOP Politicians Pandering to Nirthers

Walter L. Newton7/22/2009 4:54:53 pm PDT

re: #163 pingjockey

Holy Shit! Can you say big fucking mess!? What would happen to all the bills he signed, treaties, etc…? One helluva scenario ain’t it?!

I’m not even suggesting it could happen. But, the only reason I bring it up is because I’m not really keeping up with either side of the issue, even though it has been a repeated subject discussed here. My contribution to the whole thing has been very small.

So, I don’t know better, I really don’t (and I don’t care to, for what ever reason, it feels like a waste of my time).

Since I don’t know better, that also leaves me open to ask the question “what if it turns out to be true.”

Makes you wonder.