
Advertisers Bailing on Beck

_RememberTonyC8/14/2009 9:52:55 am PDT

re: #130 Charles

I don’t care who is asking them to stop advertising on Beck’s show. It’s simply a fact that the guy is spreading lunacy and hatred, and these advertisers are absolutely right to want to have nothing to do with it.

I don’t have a major problem with your take on this. In fact, here’s one of my LGF posts from April where I showed my displeasure with Beck:

But if the government is involved in pressuring advertisers on Beck’s show and on FNC (which the POTUS regularly condemns), that is very chilling to me. And as someone who runs a web site that has taken the POTUS to task on occasion, it should be troubling to you. Because even though LGF is scrupulously fair, once the Obamacrats consider you an “unfriendly” entity, it can’t be helpful to your business. Just my two cents :)