
Prepare to Have Your Mind Blown: Marcin Patrzalek, Paganini's Caprice No. 24 on One Guitar

mmmirele7/31/2020 3:53:05 pm PDT

re: #127 Teddy’s Person

In 2010, Karen Bass spoke at dedication ceremony for a Scientology building.


OK, speaking as someone who has protested and tracked Scientology for over a quarter century, I wouldn’t be especially concerned about her speaking at a Scn dedication 10 years ago. Plus, in LA, it seems like every government official gets roped into one Scientology event before they wise up. It’s the people like former Sheriff Lee Baca and the cops at the precinct local to the Scn buildings in LA (sorry, can’t remember which precinct it is) that have to be looked at carefully. I don’t remember exactly where I read it, but I seem to recall that the recent investigation and indictment of Danny Masterson had to be handled in a different group than the local precinct because the precinct is too close to Scientology.

Tl;dr: one dedication, 10 years ago? Not to worry. Frequent appearances at LA Scn functions—definitely to worry. I’m not worried.