
Dead Monitor Open Thread

Locker11/16/2009 1:17:00 pm PST

Waterloo! Waterloo! The sky is falling! The sky is falling! ODS fires are burning low, better stoke that shit up!

Will this be the moment he fails? (oh ho!)
Or maybe now! (he he!)
I’ve been predicting it since before he won the election. I’ve been waiting for it, praying for it, hoping for it, celebrating every single possibility… it can’t be long now!

Has it happened yet?
Did he bow to someone? Touch someone? Not touch someone? Read a teleprompter? NOT READ A TELEPROMPTER?!?

Maybe it’s happening RIGHT NOW! Can we celebrate yet? Say “I told you so yet”? Fuck it I’m not waiting, I’m jumping on the band wagon.

Obama BAD! Democrats BAD!