
Kansas Community Center Killer Frazier Glenn Miller Is a Longtime Neo-Nazi

Mattand4/14/2014 7:47:02 am PDT

re: #122 kirkspencer

re: #134 Targetpractice

Part of me looks at the Bundy/BLM situation and hopes that this asshole gets what’s coming to him: a long jail term for repeatedly violating the law that everyone else follows

Part of me also realizes this could easily give the GOP/conservatives/Tea Baggers* the right-wing Jesus martyr they’ve been craving since OMG BLACK MAN IN THE WHITE HOUSE!!!

That’s what makes me concerned: not only is this another Ruby Ridge in the making; but given the general paranoid psychosis that passes for Tea Bag logic, this is the Fort Sumter these fuckwits have been craving.

But, yeah, I’ve got to think the BLM will return with some sizable backup. Tea Baggers are hard cases when dealing with essentially unarmed bureaucrats. I’d like to see how they deal with professional LEOs.

*For any conservatives out there: seriously, guys; there is no daylight between you and the nut jobs anymore. Not until a good chunk of you supposedly “sane” conservatives stop acting like gutless cowards and kick out the kooks.