
Far Right "Anti-Jihad" Loon Walid Shoebat Smears Khizr Khan as "Muslim Brotherhood Plant"

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus7/31/2016 6:35:31 pm PDT

Maybe I’m just going through a phase, but I’m finding most productions - small screen and large screen - just not very appealing to me.

Perhaps I’ve seen too much. Among other things, in college I studied English (not just the mandatory comp class, but rather a minor) and that included classes on film.

Over the decades I’ve watch so many productions that I am certainly skewed by now, perhaps so much so that my normal curmudgeonly self has gone over the cliff wrt entertainment.

One problem I have with so much made-for-US-network shows is how repetitive they can be. Surely few shows are made for the sake of creativity - they are made to sell advertisement.

Made-for-Netflix (or Amazon Prime, etc.) shows may have as their primary goal to keep you paying your monthly Netflix bill so they perhaps are not so commercial, and they like HBO shows tend to be better than what is found on “free” TV (which has now so gone over to “reality” TV that those consumers seeking dramas are probably even driven more to HBO and Netflix), yet I know that being truly creative, as for writing a story, takes a lot of work. And novelty is something I like.

Not sure where I’m going with this… but I think the change in our entertainment landscape probably says something about our society and each one of us.