
Now for Something Amazing: Daniele Gottardo​'s "Caligula"

Joe Bacon ✅8/22/2017 6:19:37 am PDT

Not even Barnum believed he could get people to be this stupid!

In a panel discussion with CNN, his supporters agreed that they were all fine with the increase in troop levels with Afghanistan.

“This is what he said he was going to do,” said Bobby Viera, criticizing former President Barack Obama for not doing what Trump is doing now.

Host Alisyn Camerota recalled Trump’s tweets attacking Obama’s troop increase in Afghanistan, wondering why it was bad for Obama to do it but it was strong for Trump to do it. Another supporter, Jimmy Dozier, explained that it was due to Trump’s consultation with his generals, while Obama ignored his, a talking point frequently pushed by the right-wing.

“He can do what he wants!” one supporter shouted over the rest, excusing the president contradicting himself.

“President Trump is smarter than anyone in this room,” said Dozier. “He has made millions of dollars. He knows what he is doing.”

When it came to Trump’s response to the white supremacists and Nazis in Charlottesville, none of the people were “troubled” by it.

Got to hand it to the Republican Bullshit Machine for brainwashing these assholes!