
New From Seth Meyers: Manafort Flips on Trump; Kavanaugh Accused of Sexual Assault

austin_blue9/17/2018 10:11:50 pm PDT

re: #165 HappyWarrior

I come from a RCC background too. I grew up with conservative Catholics like Kavanaugh who didn’t respect the right of women to make individual choices.

Fun, weren’t they? I left the Church after the anti-birth control encyclical came down.

So I didn’t have to suffer through the abortion arguments, the IED arguments, &c.

Now they’ve got a Spic of a Pope who wants to bring everyone into the Church as a welcoming congregation (including consensual homosexes!). Well, except for the fucking pedophiles who have ruined hundreds of thousands of children’s lives and many of whom happen to be priests. He wants to get rid of those.

So, of course he is being attacked by “Traditionalists”.

Which, of course, Opus Dei is the primary mover.

Hello, Brett? Are you listening? Guilt over your attempted sexual assault and your “youthful” binge drinking that punched you into this group of whacked conservative religionists isn’t helpful.