
Totten: Obama's Diplomacy Needs a Reset Button

subsailor683/09/2009 9:37:23 am PDT

You know, thinking about the naivete of the Obama administration, it reminds me of a story I head back in the day.

A congresswoman (to be left unnamed) was touring one of our FBM (missile submarines). She pulled aside the Chief Yeoman to ask a question:

“I’ve heard that - for the morale of the crew - one of the missiles doesn’t have a live warhead on it. Kind of like the firing squad idea, where one man’s rifle has blanks. Can you confirm that for me?”

The yeoman said, “Well, it’s partially true. All but one are loaded with live warheads. One is loaded with candy.”

The congresswoman said, “Candy? I’ve never heard that. What for?”

The yeoman said, “Well, if the balloon goes up, we’ll launch that one first. When it reaches the target city, the warhead will burst and the candy will be scattered all over the streets”

“When the little children come out to get the candy, the rest of the missiles hit.”

She freaked out.

(May just be an old sailor’s tale, but somehow I think folks in this administration would believe it too.)