
Things Get Even Crazier in Libya

Birth Control Works8/22/2011 7:49:48 pm PDT

re: #163 HoosierHoops

My poor Dog Winston..Monday night Football is lousy .The Giants have kicked butt tonight..
I play 1-2-3 with Winston since I’ve had him.. I probably have 5000 posts about Winston here..I need to search and write a book about him.. I’m a first time pet owner so some of the stuff was pretty funny..
Hoops: One! Throws Winston into the air like a little baby..
Winston: Are you effen nuts..I’m not a bird! Do I look like I need flight Training?
Hoops: Two! Pitching Winston up about 5 feet above me..What is funny right now is his eyes..After all this time he looks like he is going to die..
Eyes wide open Bitch..
Hoops: Three! I toss him up to the ceiling..Waiting for him to fail into my arms with his legs spread apart like they were wings…
Winston: Does the look in my eyes show I’m having a great Time? Does it?
Hoops: Wanna do it again?
Winston: Oh dear Dog God Make him stop…
Hoops: One!
Winston: Here we go again.. I’m flying! ( I hate him)
Hoops: Two!
Winston: I’m Flying! ( I swear to gawd I’ll figure out some way to join you up on a terrorists Network while you are at work and dial 911)
Hoops: Three! Tosses Winston up
Winston: I signed you up for a charity in Iran…How do you feeling now mr. air force?
Hoops: Did you have fun Winston?

Winston has way too much time on his paws if he is watching TV with you.
