
Texas Senate Anti-Choice Debate: Tampons Confiscated, Guns Not a Problem

Blind Frog Belly White7/12/2013 3:56:23 pm PDT

re: #170 EPR-radar

By now my position has become rather simple —- I can’t think of any justification for any law regulating abortion at all.

Normal medical licensing and medical ethics standards should apply (which is enough to prevent the RWNJ thought experiment of the abortion in the last week for the hell of it).

It always seems vitally important to them to prevent/prohibit things that almost never happen, even at the expense of the freedom of millions of Americans. For example, a Wingnut friend asked me, if I believed in marriage equality, how could I justify a law that would prohibit an adult son from marrying his father. BTW, he clearly meant an incestuously homosexual relationship, not just ‘marriage’ for tax bennies.

I asked, “Do you think that this is a big problem? Lots of adult children just waiting for the State to allow them to marry their parents?”

Why they spend SO MUCH TIME worrying about this shit is something I cannot fathom.