
GOP Politicians Pandering to Nirthers

SixDegrees7/22/2009 4:56:11 pm PDT

re: #15 Targetpractice, Worst of Both Worlds

How exactly do they think this is going to help them? They’re going to end up losing more people to this insanity than they would have by telling the nirther’s to take a hike. There are other ways to attack Obama than to sign on to this lunacy.

It’s not about 0bama - it’s about them. The nirthers are garden-variety conspiracy theorists, all of whom share a trait in common: they latch onto their theory because it draw attention to them, and they desperately crave that attention. That’s the main reason the conspiracy keeps expanding indefinitely - as each incarnation of it is proven ridiculous, the scope is widened to “explain” the inconvenient truth and keep the conspiracy going. Because accepting a rational explanation for it would diminish the theorist’s importance, as there would be no reason for anyone to pay attention to them anymore.

The fact that the attention they get is almost entirely negative doesn’t matter; it’s still attention. You’ll notice that they actively seek out confrontation - when things start to die down, they’re the ones constantly making a scene, grabbing a microphone or assaulting a television camera.

In short, it’s a mental illness, a personality disorder that can range from moderate to severe, and that is probably treatable with a huge heap of therapy. Unless therapists are part of the conspiracy, and not surprisingly they are often incorporated into the web of imagined deceit and subterfuge created by the theorists to explain away anyone or anything that threatens to take their crutch away.