
Indiana Deputy Attorney General Calls for Using 'Live Ammo' on WI Protesters

Gus2/23/2011 12:07:42 pm PST

Another one…

And what about practicalities? I have suggested elsewhere that the vast majority of anti-black racism today is not latent or irrational but rational and reactive as a result of the disparate crime rate among blacks and the general rejection by the black community in most inner cities of efforts to bring that crime rate under control. Far, far too many times, black thugs commit horrific crimes and the inner city black community often rallies around them and rips the victims, particularly if those victims are white. These days, when police shoot a black thug in commission of a crime, it is now expected to have protests or even riots in support of the criminal.

How do you think those outside the black community view this state of affairs? Non-blacks seeing a young, black male on a street wearing baggy pants that reveal his buttcrack, massive gold chains, gold teeth and a ballcap at an odd angle already fear such individuals — and are called “racists” for doing so by the black community and white liberals. Now, you add on top of that pretty mental image the thought that such an individual has been taught to “hate whitey” and views himself at war with your race. What do you think the reaction will be?

About the only thing good that has come out of this affair is that the subject of black racism, so often taboo, is now open for discussion, because Wright has so visibly demonstrated it, and has provided evidence that it is far, far more prevalent than white racism.

Aside from that — and that it has poisoned the presidential candidacy of a charismatic figure who would make an even worse president than Jimmy Carter, which I didn’t even know was possible — the Wright affair has been a disaster.

Posted by ProCynic at 6:44 PM

Labels: crime, Obama, political correctness, politics, race, racism

Not sure about this being racist but it sure is weird.