
Overnight Open Thread

Dark_Falcon5/15/2011 7:36:19 am PDT

re: #169 ambi

What is there not to like about McDonalds? Decent food at a low price. You like beef, get a Big Mac. You like seafood, get a Filet-O-Fish. It hardly seems worth getting into a big wrankle. They always ask me if I want extra ketchup. That’s a nice touch. I know that sometimes they screw up your order, but they usually work that out.

This hardly seems a target, given the number of people they employee. Are we hating on employers now, too?

Some people are. McDonald’s got hated on here by some people for holding a national hiring day last month. Every store that could reasonably support one or more additional positions worked to hire for them and McDonald’s hired thousands of people. But to some. those are just lousy McJobs and unworthy of giving any credit. Its true that fast food doesn’t pay well, but McDonald’s was doing their part within their business model. I was glad they did it.