
Republicans Suddenly Against Campus Rape: MOAR GUNS Needed

BeachDem2/18/2015 3:56:54 pm PST

Oh dog, it’s not bad enough that they want to kill AP history classes in Oklahoma. Here’s what they want to replace them with:

One that taught “foundational documents” that include the Ten Commandments, numerous sermons, and three speeches by Reagan — but none by any Democratic president since Lyndon Johnson…

That emphasis would include teaching students Jonathan Edwards’ sermon “Sinners in the Hands of a Angry God,” the purpose of which is to remind the people that God may cast a sinner into Hell at any moment, so the best course of action is to accept Christ immediately. It would also include speeches by both Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush, which are included because of their “foundational” value.

Sing it with me, “You’re all insane, Oklahoma—Oklahoma go ‘way.”